Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

dating tips

Avoid These Romance Wreckers

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Avoid These Romance Wreckers

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Maintaining a healthy relationship requires dedication, communication, compromise and trust. These components are rather obvious to most people. What you may not have considered is that self-assessment, or looking inward to evaluate your contribution to the partnership, is also necessary. In fact, understanding your own actions and acknowledging the effect they have on your partner is probably even more crucial to making things work. After all, you can only control your own behavior, not that of others. The following list will help you to understand the common issues that lead to problems among significant others. 


Too Controlling


When you are insecure regarding your sweetheart’s feelings or commitment to you, it’s easy to slip into a pattern of controlling behavior. Complaining about the time they spend away from home or trying to micromanage their every move will almost always do more harm than good. Controlling behavior leads to feelings of resentment, which can then inspire your partner to act on those feelings in a negative way such as actually cheating or pulling away from you emotionally. Instead, try to identify the source of your feelings. Then sit down for an honest talk about them. It’s likely your significant other can provide the reassurance you crave. 




Being too dependent on your partner is a definite killer of romance. While many people do enjoy the feeling of being helpful to loved ones, most also find independence and self-assurance attractive. This type of dependence often plays out in ways such as not having your own interests, expecting your love to make the majority of decisions that impact the two of you and avoiding expression of your own views. It’s exhausting to have to think for and entertain others all the time. Try to remember the things you enjoyed in your single days, and work to cultivate those interests again. 


Avoiding Conflict


No one really likes confrontation. Talking about negative emotions can be a bit scary. It’s normal to worry about facing rejection or the possibility of your partner being angry when you bring up an issue. However, sweeping things under the rug or avoidance is simply postponing the inevitable. By refusing to bring up your feelings, you risk unnecessary hurt feelings and resentment.  Talk to your partner about your concerns in a way that places the emphasis on you and doesn’t invoke blame.


Lack of Support


We all get busy and overwhelmed. In these times, especially, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of neglecting your partner or taking them for granted. Feeling supported or cherished is essential to a lasting romance. Without these types of positive rewards, maintaining a relationship begins to feel like more trouble than it’s worth. Taking time to provide words of encouragement and appreciation will cement your bond and increase your happiness. 


These are just a few of the ways people tend to sabotage their own relationships. Avoid these romance wreckers to ensure your relationship is one that lasts.