Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

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Spiritual Healing Tools (also known as Medicine)

Healing comes from taking responsibility. It is said that we can all heal our bodies and help others to heal what ails them. Yes, this is true, however, it does appear that some of us have a greater ability to heal and channel energy. Even spiritual healers need a little bit of help from time to time. Most healers and in fact, most everyday people have some sort of ritual or ceremony they include in their life. If you reflect on your last few weeks, is there something that you’ve done on a regular basis that brings you peace and happiness?

If you ever get a chance to visit a spiritual healer, you should treat them and their medicine wisdom with an open mind. Spirit is an integral part of us all. Ancient cultures had much more of an insight and understanding of how spiritual healing works. They all used different tools or medicines to help the sick feel better. For instance, we have just learned that different sound waves have a positive effect on our health. Something the Egyptians were all too familiar with. Perhaps this explains why we know Tibetan singing bowls can help to reduce headaches and aches felt in the body. Singing bowls have been part of spiritual healing for thousands of years. On occasion, they are still discovered by archaeologists in Egypt and in the part of the world we used to call Mesopotamia.

Other healing tools include crystals, water, natural materials, and elixirs. You can make your own elixir to use in your home. Above all, three of the most popular spiritual healing tools are our hands, our mindset and prayer/manifestation. We often forget that prayer was seen as a form of meditation by our ancient ancestors. It helps to focus the mind and allows us to channel positive energy.

Can You Train Yourself In Spiritual Forms of Healing?


There are techniques that you can use to improve your own healing abilities. The most popular one is meditation. Ancient Egyptian doctors believe their healing powers entered their ‘being’ through the Third Eye. Today, the All Seeing Eye or the Third Eye pops up everywhere. Is there more to this ancient symbol than we know or understand?

When you want to increase your own power of healing, it is a good idea to meditate regularly, surround yourself with crystals (and positive people), listen to your favorite frequency (music), light a candle or simply sit in nature. We are all spiritual beings so maybe it is about time that you find your own healing power with the help of spiritual healing tools and see for yourself what impact it can have on your mind, body and soul.