Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

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Reiki healing intention services based in Yarrabilba, Brisbane

Enable relaxation, relieve pain and speed healing with the power of Reiki

Reach out to me and we can share a conversation. I'm confident all you'll need to know will be revealed to you when we chat.

What Are the Benefits?

Aids Relaxation & Assists the Body's Natural Healing Process

The session allows you to enter a feeling of pure relaxation and inner peace. Helps you to cope with emotional stresses and promotes mental clarity.

Promotes Harmony & Balance

The non-invasive process to transfer energy which is really effective in promoting your overall wellness.

Cleanses the Body of Toxins

By triggering the state of repair, our bodies begin to release useless energy. The body begins to protect itself from burnout and exhaustion.

The ‘Ella‘ Treatment

Inner Child

This treatment is designed to encourage your inner child to come out and play.  Too often as adults we become consumed by responsibility and pressure so we fail to see the abundant beauty and bedazzlement which is right before our very eyes.  Children are naturally drawn to these such things with enthusiasm, exploration, excitement and playful energy.  So lighten up and be childish once again and feel the innocence and joy that setting this intention brings to your life! 


ocean tide treatment

The ‘Ocean Tide‘ Treatment

Emotional and Mental Balance

 Just like the Ocean Tide our lives ebb and flow.  The secret is to embrace your life force energy and move with it, not against it.  By understanding your own ‘tide’ you will relish in the calm seas and create clarity of what lies ahead, bringing you peace to enjoy what is most important, the NOW. 


The ‘It's Time for Me to Go‘ Treatment

Letting Go

Some of the greatest victories are achieved by walking away.  This treatment sets a strong intention to bless what no longer serves you and release it from your life.  No shame, no blame, no games.  Just gratitude and appreciation for what once was, with the assistance of this healing energy.


The ‘I Love Me‘ Treatment


When was the last time you said to yourself, ‘I love me’? Too long maybe, if ever? This delightful healing process is a reminder of how wonderful you are and that it’s ok to recognise that. Endorse loving ways of living with a positive attitude with personal reconnection. This beautiful energy promotes self-love, self-respect and self-worth.

release treatment

The ‘Release‘ Treatment

Release of Guilt, Pain & Suffering

This session is all about forgiveness. Commonly we hold on to past trauma which we store in the form of emotion. This emotion is attached to the memory of an event which acts as a trigger when we reflect. Forgive others, forgive past situations, forgive everything and everyone and most of all, forgive yourself. Forgiving sets YOU free. This holistic spiritual healing session was created to help detach the emotion from the event, in time, allowing you to move forward with peace and freedom in your heart. 

The ‘Top Gun’ Treatment


Shooting for that raise or promotion? Got a big job interview coming up? Or perhaps aiming to switch career paths? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this session is for you! Align your chakras with the Top Gun intention and feel the power. Remember, what you seek is seeking you. This empowering energy is ideal for that boost of confidence or perhaps a calmness to perform under pressure. Whatever the requirement, after this treatment you will be left supercharged and ready for anything. 


The 'And So It Is' Treatment


So what is ‘it’ exactly?? ‘It’ is a frequency. ‘It’ is a vibration. ‘It’ is energy. In life we must accept what it is and let go of what we thought it was. Shifting our focus inward and owning our well-being by making it a priority, holds many healing benefits. Become aware of your mind, body and soul by receiving this divine light. Inner love, peace, freedom, acceptance, compassion and so much more awaits you. 

And so it is.