Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

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Benefits of Spiritual Healing

Emotional and spiritual healing can help to improve your life if you only let them. The problem is that far too many of us are frightened of letting any form of healing into our lives. We are frightened that we are going to end up being ridiculed by others or that healing we are experiencing, is not ‘real’. However, natural spiritual healing can help you in many different ways. As a matter of fact, many of us already practice forms of spiritual healing without knowing that we are doing so. It can be argued that meditation, Tai-chi, and even some forms of yoga, are natural healing spiritual healing systems. I’m sure everyone has met someone in their life and felt a good, or not so good ‘vibe’ from them. Well, ‘vibe’ is the short version of the word ‘vibration’.  This can simply be considered a spiritual act, or being in touch with the frequency of life around you.

So it’s not that much of a big deal, you probably tap into that all the time, right?

What Are The Health Benefits of Spiritual Healing?

Many health benefits can be attributed to spiritual healing. They include a lower stress response, less risk of anxiety attacks, and an improved immune system. In general, many forms of spiritual healing can help us to balance our minds and bodies better. That is when we start to notice the most positive effects. We need to acknowledge the fact that we must treat the body as a whole, not just treat the physical or mental symptoms as we most commonly do.The benefits of spiritual healing will also have a positive effect on our relationships. Many of us talk about not being ‘in tune’ with or ‘on a different page’ to our partner. Instead of dismissing that feeling as we so often do, a much more positive option would be to explore why you feel that way and find out how we can spiritually tune into our partner. One way of doing so is to try meditation, both together and individually.

The Theory Of Meditation

The state of altered awareness and deep relaxations experienced during meditation is associated with electrical activity in the part of the brain known as the cortex. In layman terms, the cortex is the thinking part of the brain. Its activity can be chartered as brain-wave patterns. There is significant medical evidence that both physiological and psychological benefits are linked to the patterns which occur during meditation.

The Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

Both the physical and spiritual benefits of meditation are extensive. We know that any increase in energy in our body has a positive effect on the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria of our cells is the cell’s internal power house. It controls the release of energy in the body. Any excess energy a cell has, is used to repair and rejuvenate cells that are not well or power cells with lower energy levels. We know that energy in the body works in many different ways. Energy can help us to think better and feel better physically. How the body knows where to direct energy is not as yet clearly understood. But, we know that it does it.  We can help to direct energy in the right direction by meditation and practicing spiritual healing methods.

Positive Effects of Meditation

When you have been practicing meditation for a while, you will find you will start to think with much more clarity. Not only that, stress will also affect you less. When you come across a stressful situation, you will suddenly notice that you feel calmer and control the situation better. Lower stress levels lead to fewer angry outbursts, anxiety, and far fewer negative reactions to stressful events. It is a bit like your body putting the brakes on without you as a person knowing that it is happening. Your body has started to regulate energy much better.  You could say your training of the mind is paying off!!

Can You Share The Benefits Of Spiritual Healing?​

Yes, you can share the spiritual benefits of meditation. If you have ever met a person who practices meditation on a regular basis, you will probably find that they are more relaxed. They have an aura of calm about them that you may find difficult to understand. Where this aura, or air of calm comes from is not easy to explain. However, you will find that it will have a natural uplifting effect on you. It is not uncommon to start to feel calmer and more relaxed around a person who is ‘into’ meditation. You may even find that any aches and pains you are experiencing improve. The opposite is also possible. It is thought that our cells can leak energy in all directions. Have you ever felt drained after being around someone? That feeling is real. The energy zapping is real. When you meet someone who seems to have the power to make you feel better, we must trust in that. Energy doesn’t lie. It doesn’t need to. It doesn’t know how to.

When you enter the home or work place of a spiritual healer, you will often notice the same benefit. You will start to feel yourself slow down and your mind will stop racing. Our energies have a way of connecting to each other. This would explain the spiritual benefits of meditation, not only for yourself but for others.