Jarrod's Spiritual Healing


Benefits of Yoga and Utilising the Yoga Wheel

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Benefits of Yoga and Utilising the Yoga Wheel

benefits of yoga

Yoga, the Indian tradition that focuses on both the spiritual and physical awareness of the body, uses specific exercises and postures to help the individual achieve quietude and harmony. There are many different types of yoga postures and many different types of yoga – including bhakti, jnana, karma, kundalini, laya, raja and hatha yoga, which is very popular in the West. Yoga is very self-contained in the sense that it does not rely on expensive equipment to be able to do – a mat and some comfortable clothing will usually be adequate for all types of yoga postures. 

Yoga exercises requires that the person places themselves in various postures, or asanas, to strengthen and align the spinal column, thought to be the location of the chakras or the body’s centers of energy. Different yoga postures are thought to tap in and release certain energy points in the body if done correctly. It is always advisable for the beginners that they do not strain their bodies to do too much at first; for the aim of yoga is not to be able to do all the postures, but to learn how to do the ones you can, correctly.

All yoga instructors teach how to align the breathing to the physical movements, but some will spend more time than others on breathing exercises rather than the yoga postures themselves. Many yoga instructors include some form of simple meditation in their lessons and some will spend some of their time discussing the philosophy behind the discipline. 

There are a few different yoga postures that are popular amongst the asanas, and include the eagle posture position, the seated spinal twist and the tree posture. All of these exercises are fairly basic and require little strain on the body. 

The eagle posture position relaxes the neck and shoulders while opening up the chest. The spinal twist helps to alleviate pressure in the mid and lower back promoting relaxation and allowing the creative energy to flow. The tree posture focuses on achieving stability, strength and balance. All of the yoga postures require use of the breath to complement the stretches. 

Aside from the benefits of a mentally and physically integrated approach to wellness, yoga is particularly effective because its fundamental teachings can be applied to all aspects of life. So, unlike setting aside an hour, separate and different, from the rest of the day to exercise, practicing the different yoga postures and techniques can become a way of life – an integral part of a more holistic, balanced life.

Benefits of a Yoga Wheel

When you choose to adopt a yoga practice you will soon find many benefits from relaxation to better posture and flexibility. While it is not necessary, there are some accessories and tools that can be really useful. One of them is called a yoga wheel. Here is more information about yoga wheels and what it can do for you.

What is a Yoga Wheel?

First of all, it helps to know what a yoga wheel is before learning of the different benefits of using it. A yoga wheel is a wide cylinder-shaped prop that might be made of materials like plastic, wood or other sturdy materials. They come in different sizes and typically sit upright, allowing you to move it around for different types of moves. People often use them for flexibility, though it has many other unique benefits as well. The original yoga wheel was created by Sri Dharma Mittra, though many other adaptations now exist.

Get Better Mobility with the Wheel

One of the best ways to use a yoga wheel is to get better mobility when doing various yoga poses. This is really great for massaging your spine and protecting your back, while also having more mobility for heart-opening moves. If you feel that your back is causing you to lack mobility in your day to day life, yoga is already a great way to remedy this. Go one step further by adding in the yoga wheel, putting it underneath your body to massage your spine and you will notice the changes almost instantly.

Try More Difficult Poses

As you become more familiar with yoga and try different levels of classes, some new poses will be introduced. This is the natural progression of yoga. Just like any fitness program where you continue getting stronger, more flexible and increase your ability to do more difficult types of yoga. When more challenging poses are introduced into your yoga practice, it can be really helpful to have a prop like a yoga wheel. This makes moves like backbends and other inversions much easier to master in the beginning.

It is a good idea to find workouts and moves specifically designed to work with the yoga wheel. This is going to help you become familiar with it and how it works, plus you learn some new yoga moves in the process. Keep learning and growing and don’t be afraid to use this helpful yoga prop.