Jarrod's Spiritual Healing


Better Relationships

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Better Relationships


It has been theorized too many times that men and women are diametrically opposite beings. The theory goes on to say that there are totally different things that drive both these genders, and there are different things that they are looking for. That is the reason men and women act and behave in radically different ways.

Now, while the truth is that nature itself has ordained us to be different, which means our behaviors are characteristic of the gender that we belong to, it is also a sordid fact that this can create a lot of problems. There are several instances in which men and women do not understand each other, due to which there are disagreements and arguments between the two, even leading to drastic steps such as breakups and divorce.

There are some pretty heavy and deplorable numbers about relationships that have not worked out, while it is true that if just a little more effort and understanding were used, these relationships could have worked amazingly well.

This is what we have to understand and accept. Instead of creating the world into a war zone full of enmity between the sexes, it is important to understand the diametrical differences between the two genders and live in harmony. We are designed to be different. It is time to accept that and live in harmony.

In this roller coaster world of love and relationships, it is reassuring to know that fairy tale love can and does exist. Realistic expectations of love, provide an understanding that love that is deep and realistic allows the partner to make a mistake. It allows there to be inevitable differences of opinions and preferences between the couples. Anything less than this respect for the other is not true love at all.

There is a saying in most philosophies that states, “love covers a multitude of sins” This is the potential of a relationship that is based on mutual understanding and respect. In this type of relationship, a couple can appreciate and express the strengths and abilities their partner can offer them within the relationship. Negativity is replaced by positivity and even the small things that are done by the partner in a spirit of love and cooperation is accepted as an expression of that love.