Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

How To Get Rid of Emotional Baggage

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How To Get Rid of Emotional Baggage


Baggage…huh? Yes, baggage. Emotional baggage. Negative baggage. We’re not talking about the stuff you take on holidays. The stuff you worry about ending up in one destination when you turn up in another. No. We’re talking about the crappy, good for nothing junk we carry around within us everywhere we go. In this space, baggage is an emotional term which means ‘feelings and emotions that no longer serve us.’

If we stopped for a moment to unpack our baggage there would be huge potential that a fair amount of it isn’t even ours, however we seem to insist on carrying emotional baggage. Are you carrying a lot of emotional baggage?


Emotional Baggage Consists of PAST Feelings and Emotions

Basically, these feelings and emotions are attached to a past event and are stirred up when triggered. If we move on from a challenging event or situation in our lives, we may forget (or ignore) to deal with what has happened. We may unknowingly pack everything up and suppress it for another day. And yes, when I say everything, I mean feelings and emotions.

Types of emotional baggage:

It is certainly not limited to the above but I’m sure you get the idea.  With baggage there almost always seems to be a common denominator…. somebody else is involved. Taking full responsibility and being accountable for our actions and behaviours is a healthy and positive way to live. Unfortunately, the Earth’s population isn’t quite there yet. Many of us are comfortable blaming others and casting fault for their own poor decisions/outcomes. People project their insecurities, doubts and fears onto you and then pretend like it is your problem.

We must remember this:


Many folks have no clue of the impact they have on others. Some, on the other hand do. They callously move through life hurting and leaving innocent people with unwanted baggage which they would never have anticipated being left with when they first met. 


Likely Suspects (not that I’m judging)

Now that’s a pretty heavy list however these people will happily allow someone else to carry THEIR baggage for them. Even when confronted and the baggage given back to them, they will still leave it on the ground for you to pick back up to continue to carry it.

BAGGAGE TIP:  When giving someone their baggage back and they don’t want it, DO NOT take it back yourself. It’s not yours. Leave it.

What not to do

It is important not to DENY and SUPPRESS our feelings and emotions. They may stay buried for a day, a month, a year or even 20+ years however they will reveal themselves at some stage of our life. Probably when we least expect it and there will be no place to hide from the carnage. There is no running from something that resides within us.

What to do

Letting go of emotional baggage is a huge step towards freedom. To move forward with peace and freedom in our heart it is essential that we ACKNOWLEDGE and RELEASE any feelings and emotions that are linked to a specific event/situation/person. Only once we acknowledge we can go beyond.  Initially this can be difficult and may take some time to work through, but I can tell you the more you do it the better you will become at it and the lighter you will feel.
Learn how you can live baggage free with these helpful tips!

Do an emotional baggage check

  1. Do an emotional baggage check
  2. Be honest with yourself
  3. Acknowledge your feelings and emotions
  4. Take action


Live baggage free and carry on!!

emotional baggage