Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

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If You Want Less Stress and Improved Focus on Your Daily Tasks In the next 1 Week - Read This Entire Page Right Now

Are you looking for a way to release your everyday stress
and tension?

If so, pay close attention!


It doesn’t matter if you are new to meditation or you meditate already. 

Meditation journaling  will get you on the right track to self-enlightenment.

Journaling helps relieve stress.  Stress is a fact of life but being stressed out is not. 

Lengthy exposure to stress may lead to mental health difficulties (for example, anxiety and depression) or increased physical health problems

If you really want to take advantage of the power of meditation, our Meditation Journal is definitely for YOU!

Let me tell you a quick story about the time I almost fell apart; when I felt totally stressed out; how I had clients complaining that I wasn’t delivering their work fast enough; when I couldn’t cope with the children yelling at one another and demanding stuff that I just hadn’t had time to sort out; how I couldn’t focus any more because I felt my whole world was closing in on me.

At the time I was trying to keep on top of my workload AND deal with all the stuff that being a dad demands.

I was struggling with keeping my kids happy and my client’s – trying to manage my ever increasing workload.

And I was getting more and more overwhelmed and starting to feel like I wasn’t able to cope with life’s everyday challenges.

As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of managing my own business from home AND being a good dad to my kids.

Then I discovered ways to actively relieve stress. 

Did you know that one of the best ways to deal with stress is through meditation and keeping a regular stress relieving journal?

At that point, everything changed!

I discovered how journaling can help to

➤ Relax and calm your nerves

➤ Release mental blocks and be more precise about your thoughts

➤ Writing in your journal BEFORE meditation allows you to get into the right head space

➤ Writing in your journal AFTER meditation when your mind is clear gives you the power of  mental clarity to help you focus on the important tasks you need to accomplish on any given day

➤ With the diligent practice of meditation, your mind becomes clear, composed and powerful, and you will discover how to accomplish any task or activity with mindfulness and superior efficiency.

Because I was introduced to the power of journaling before and after meditation, I was able to:

➤  Have a clearer mind and a happier life

➤  Calm my nerves

➤ Get better at meditation by understanding the thoughts and feelings I had recorded in my journal

➤ Accomplish more work throughout my day by focussing on the right things

➤  Accomplish life goals

➤ Let go of my stress and anxiety for good.

Now I’m living my dream of managing my own business from home and caring for my children, like I should.  Now I feel less anxious and less stressed and have discovered that I don’t ever have to feel like that again.

And that’s why I’m so passionate about sharing the power of “Meditation Journaling” with you, so you too can experience the transformational change it can have on your life.

By recording everything about your meditation session, from what you experienced, to your challenges, you will start noticing trends and even see your growth with meditation.

What’s in Your Journal?

100 page document to help you record your experiences and feelings

This includes :

➤ Motivational pages to help you complete where you are now and where you want to be

➤ 10 prompts to help you record your progress and get the most out of your journal and understand the power it holds for your well-being

➤ Quotes to keep you motivated

Upgrade now and grab our Meditation Checklist for FREE

Use this powerful document to help guide you through the steps to complete a meditation session, which will bring endless benefits to your mind and body.  This checklist will help you stay on track as you start your meditation practice