Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

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Congratulations & Welcome

You’ve just taken the first step to help you create the life you’ve always wanted!

These powerful secret weapons will help you to remove any self-doubt you may be feeling and help you to live the life you truly deserve.

  1. The Intention Setting Journal with Crystals – journal your intention, track them and measure results to help manifest your true desires.
  2. The Intention Setting To Do Planner – use your planner to help you organize your time effectively, plan out your day and still have time to spend with your loved ones.

Your Awesome Life is Waiting for You!

Download the Intention Setting Journal and your Intention Setting To Do Planner now!

Creating and Using a Crystal Intention Journal

Use the Crystal Intention Journal to keep track of crystal meanings, add intentions, and keep a record to measure the results which each crystal has on you! This powerful exercise can help you bring more happiness, positive energy, healing, abundance and balance into your life.

crystals for healing

Intention Setting To Do Planner

Use the Intention Setting To Do Planner to really get organised. Capture everything that's on your plate, gather your reminders, your appointments and all the things you need to get done in a particular day. You have a powerful resource at your fingertips, so be sure to use it. The simple act of crossing off items on your To Do list has an amazing affect on how you feel and is a powerful psychological motivator.

Head over to my Facebook page to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion of creating a life they can truly be proud of.