Jarrod's Spiritual Healing

romance your man ideas

Rules for Romancing Your Man

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Rules for Romancing Your Man

romance your man ideas

When the subject of romance comes up, it’s not uncommon to think of the kinds of things that women appreciate, like flowers for no reason or sparkling jewelry. Societal stereotypes and the retail industry place a great deal of emphasis on the ways in which romantic actions elicit a response from females. However, men appreciate spontaneous shows of affection from their significant other, too. Everyone wants to feel special to the one they love. If you’re unsure of what to do for your prince to make him swoon, following these simple rules for romancing your man will surely spark some ideas.

Give Him What He Needs

This rule isn’t meant to say that you should blindly serve your significant other. It’s not your job to fulfill his needs. However, taking the time to give your honey something he could use that he won’t provide for himself is a caring act that is always appreciated. For example, you could buy him tickets to see his favorite band or take him to that place he has always talked about visiting.  

Feed His Ego

Men like to be told you find them attractive just as much as women do. They also love to know you recognize their strong suits. So be sure to regularly tell him how alluring you find him or compliment him on an achievement. This ego boost will also go far toward boosting the romance in your life. Men are simple creatures!

Pay Attention

It truly is the little things that matter in life and love. Make an effort to pay attention to the things he mentions in passing or what he shows a particular interest in, and then make a mental note of that thing. Surprise him later by gifting him the watch he was admiring while during the retail therapy he accompanied you to. Make him that double chocolate cake like the kind that used to be his favorite birthday treat when he was a little boy. He’ll be thrilled with your thoughtfulness.

Go Big

Little things mean a lot, but sometimes a grand gesture is needed. When the two of you haven’t seen each other for more than 10 minutes at a time because work has been so hectic, it might be a good idea to plan a vacation. Even getting away someplace close to home can have a significant impact on providing some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. It will also give you time to reconnect, which is always beneficial to keeping the flame alive. So pull together a grand adventure when the situation calls for extreme measures.

Use these suggestions as a guide to planning your own unique surprises for your boo. Though he may be too macho to tell you, he’ll truly appreciate the effort.